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Malaysian Diet: The Plain Truth


Penerbit - University of Malaya Press

Kategori - Keluarga & Kesihatan

The plain truth In this book, leading Malaysian nutritionist Dr Tee E Siong will reveal the plain truth about the Malaysian makan-makan culture. He will provide insights into the meals we consume at breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and suppertime. the gory truth The author will expose the gory consequences of unhealthy eating. He will convince you that unhealthy diet is a major cause of chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancers. And that there is only one way to prevent these diseases - practice healthy eating and active living. and healthy eating He will share with you the basic principles of healthy eating and guide you on how to apply good nutrition in your daily lives. Read this book. You will find that it is possible to adopt a healthier makan culture while enjoying the goodness of Malaysian food.

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